
Free professional support

We are here to support you now and any time after your purchase. Being able to connect and get support through a phone call increases your chance of hearing success.

NEW 2024 battery packaging

All battery brands and sizes will soon be in child-resistant packaging, as required by Reese’s Law.

Watch these helpful videos that demonstrate how to easily remove a hearing aid battery from
Power One and Rayovac brand child-resistant packaging.


How to access a battery from Power One
child-resistant packaging

How to access a battery from Rayovac Extra
child-resistant packaging

Hearing Resources

hearing aids improve hearing plus so much more...

Improve communication, connect with loved ones again.

Increase confidence and independence, hear what is said the first time. No more asking for repeats.

Elevate your social life, get back into the conversation. No more feeling left out because you struggle to hear what friends and family are saying.

Positively impact your mental sharpness, stay engaged and alert. You will not have to use so much of your brainpower just trying to focus on listening.

Learn More About Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids

short informational videos to help you manage hearing more effectively

What is Hearing Loss | How to Reduce Hearing Loss

How to Manage and Care for Hearing Loss

First 21 Days of Using and Wearing a Hearing Aid

How In-The-Ear (ITE) and Behind-The-Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids are Different

Analog vs Digital Hearing Aids | New Hearing Aid Technology